There’s one rule of thumb when it comes to a solar purchase vs. a solar lease: If you can claim the solar tax credit, go with a purchase.
When buying a solar system, the federal government will pay for thirty percent of the systems cost through the solar tax credit. If your federal income tax is greater than the solar tax credit, you will be able to take full advantage of this incentive.
With buying a solar system, you’ll have day one savings, own the system outright, add value to your house, won’t have complications with selling your house, and your lifetime savings will be about double what they would be for a lease.
If you can’t use the tax credit a lease would be the better option because the leaser will take advantage of the tax credit for you – lowering your payment. with the lease you can go zero dollars down and you’ll have higher day one monthly savings than a loan.
For either option you decide to finance with, you will have a 25-year performance guarantee provided by the panel manufacturer.

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